My Best of Breed.


Boston Ch Show July 2024. Cardigan Corgi Report.


In 1951 my very dog show was Boston, and on that day I handled my very first show dog a Pembroke Corgi. Little did I imagine that 73 years later I would be judging my corgi breeds at Boston, with both breeds having obtained C.Cs for the very first time. Over the years I have seen both breeds make advancements and in some cases a step backwards. I really do feel that the Pembroke have changed far more than the Cardigan, and I do wonder if it really was intentional that some changes came to be when the standard states otherwise. In Pembroke one finds better Cardigan feet and ears than in Cardigans. Some Pembroke coats would in Cardigans be classed as fluffs. Pembrokes seem to be getting longer in loin than ever and its becoming noticeable that this is now creeping into Cardigans. Exhibitors can only show what they have, breed education for breeder and judge, (specialist and all rounder) must be advanced enough to tackle undesirable traits becoming the norm. To all that supported this lovely show at Rutland water I thank each and every one of you for giving me such a wonderful entry in both breeds, I hope my critique explains to why I did what.


P.D 1. 1sr Frickers Kerman Wizard of Oz (ai) Raw baby that still needs to learn ring skills. Excellent bone with large tight feet. Excellent rear quarters nice short hock. Masculine head large ears nice eye. Movement OK but needs to settle which I sure he will.


Y.D. 1st Foxes Gowerston Granville This young males got nice overall balance, good body shape topline and croup. Excellent for bone large tight feet. Head of 3 -5 nice eye shape correct large ears. Good shoulder layback but would just like a tad tighter elbows which could improve as he matures.


P. G D 1st Aynscough and Maas. Lidoffad Celtic Warrior with Sanja while I find is head proportion correct he does appear a tad bold in skull and eye which does just spoil his expression. Excellent in length to high well boned. Still needs to learn to settle down on the move.

2nd Fields Gowerston Grantchester Another that does not show himself to his best. Head proportions good, large ears, good eye shape. Well boned large correct feet. Felt winner had the edge in front construction, and front movement.

Limit D.3. 1st.Allen & Hobbs Grangefield Oberon excellent size and overall balance. All male head correct eye and ear shape. Neck slopes correctly into withers, good topline, croup and tailset. Muscled hindquarters. Nice body shape from above and side tight elbows correct bone and feet. Move true front and rear. Presented in excellent condition and coat and I was please to award him the Res C.C . 2ndTaylors Tamlin Millennium Falcon Larger type than first and still needs to develop more in depth of body. Ample neck good topline, bone and feet. Strong rear quarters. Moves wide in front at this stage. 3rd Essenhigh & Bishop Ceranda Gower Charmer at Brynlluan Like his head and large Cardigan ears. He does have ample neck for overall balance well boned strong rear quarters. Today he did not look his best in coat.


O. D. 4 (1) 1st Frosdicks Ch Mistycor Apollo Back to Black for Kalwig (Imp Rus) This boys got excellent overall balance and depth of body. Pleasing head 3-5 correct in eyes giving that kind Cardigan expression. Excels in bone tidy feet, well angulated hindquarters. While I would like a more egg shaped body that fills the curve of forearm his other qualities took him to the C.C.

2nd Am G Ch/int/multi Ch Major Point Violet Hill Ww Ew L Bobkova excellent substance and presented in firm condition. Overall construction is good with nice shoulders, tight elbows excellent bone, nice overall front construction. Move true front, side and rear. Stronger in head than first and a shade bold in eye and I would like a little less coat. 3rd Downs, Ch Elessar Howling Moon Miss J Down fine overall balance, pleasing head and expression. Ample neck good topline croup and tailset, strong hindquarters. Felt today those above scored better in front construction.


V. D. Taylors Ch Handskes Just A Gigolo at Tamlin (Imp Fin) this lads really come into his own with age. Most pleasing head of correct proportions excellent skull, nice underjaw. Ample neck, correct topline and croup, firm muscled hindquarters. Excellent substance without any sign of coarseness. While I considered him for the C.C I felt my final winners had better shoulder layback and smoother front movement. Best Veteran. 2nd Lovells Liebehund Forest Moon Much to like about this veteran. Pleasing length to height, excellent firm topline and tailset. Nice rear angulation. Ample all round bone tight feet. Pleasing head and expression. For me today the winner just had more substance.


Sp B D. 2. Foxes 1st Gowerston Granville 2. Fields Gowerston Grantchester


M.P.B 1 Frickers Kerman Who'l Come A Waltzing (ai) Litter sister to M.P.D and really most of the same comments apply. Two lovely most promising youngsters who I will follow with interest.


P.B. 3. 1st Taylors Kris Team Bakalia for Tamlin (Imp Pol) Very pretty feminine head of correct proportions. Liked the overall balance, strong hindquarters. Good layback tight elbows nice bone and curve of forearm, tidy feet and good forechest and portrays a pleasing front picture. At the moment a shade bum high which does spoil side profile. Best puppy 2nd.Irvings Twinan Shield of Steel. Feminine head, nice underjaw, eye and expression. Good overall front construction giving a most pleasing front end picture. Like winner at this time a shade bum high spoiling side profile. Very little to choose between the first two and today I felt the winner took it on overall balance. 3rd.Lovells Liebehund Dealers Gambit Smaller and lighter constructed than those above. Nice shoulders tight elbows and well angulated hindquarters, tidy feet. Good topline, moves OK.


Y.B 1 st Downs Elessar Blue Diamond JW Nice head, eye shape and large ears all giving true breed expression. Ample neck, topline held at all times, decent croup and tailset, strong rear quarters. Pleasing shoulder placement with tight elbows good bone and feet. 2nd Fields Cruglwyd Cristyne Nice layback of shoulder, short loin, well angulated rear quarters and pleasing overall balance. 3rd Fitzpatrick-Graham Ancksunamun Hallows Eve JW. Good head balance and expression, ample neck, good topline, muscled hindquarters. Felt she lost out to winners on should placement and length of loin.


P.G.B 2. 1st Miss S.E Taylors Coriend Went Blue for Bymil Pretty head good underjaw, correct large ears, well fitted neck firm level topline, decent angulated muscled hindquarters. Decent shoulders ample bone tidy feet moves true. 2nd Mrs T E & Miss B J Taylor Tamlin Rogue Shadow Nice overall balance. Nice topline both standing and on the move. Head of correct balance nice ear set and expression. Today I preferred winners shoulders and also the winner was more settled.

L.B. 1 1st Haywards Elessar Secondstaronright with Pemshore . Decent overall balance and hindquarters. Good topline but a tad long in loin. Head proportions good with nice underjaw. Would like overall better front. Rear movement good.


O. B 5 (2) Quality class. 1st Irvings Ch Pi-Et-Ra of Trefilio Borntobe Avalanche JW (Imp Hun) Pretty feminine head of nice correct balance, nice eye and expression. Good neck curving correctly into withers. Super front construction elbows tight and egg shape body fitting correctly into curve of forearms. Good bone tight feet. Excellent for body balance firm level topline. Lovely correct front movement. In the C.C challenge I felt the winners scored better in length of loin and tailset. 2nd Roberts A Ray of Sunshine at Kogarahs (Imp Itl) I did like the overall balance, side profile and body shape. Pleasing head, eye and expression, excellent topline, croup and tailset, well angulated rear quarters, good muscle tone and excellent rear movement. Lost out to what I felt the winners overall better front. 3rd Miss S E Taylor Ch Bymil Picture Perfect Now a veteran she still remains a favourite of mine for her overall balance and so correct front. Pretty feminine head nice eye super expression, when she takes an interest. Correct body shape, nice short loin and very true movement. Today she portrayed the image of wanting to be some place else


V. B. Quality class that proves what a long show lasting breed we are.. 1st Miss S E Taylor Bymil Back to Blue litter sister to third in open and very much a free standing showgirl. Head of correct proportions, correct plains and underjaw Good eye and ear shape the latter being correctly set, thus all giving a very true Cardigan expression. Neck runs into withers super topline, nice croup and tailset. Short loin correct body shape. Well angulated rear quarters. Nice shoulder layback, tight elbows good bone tight feet, moves very true front side and rear and covers the ground with effortless ease. Presented in excellent coat and body condition and this along with her many other qualities took her to the C.C her third and B.O.B. 2nd Lovells Ch Liebehund Jakku JW another favourite of mine and one of the breeds greats. Beautiful feminine head, true Cardigan eye and expression. Correct for neck, body shape, hindquarters and perfection in front with correct bone and true breed feet. At eight she still covers the ground with a natural effortless freedom that leaves the impression I could work all day. Sadly for her owner she was not in the very best of coat but on the day I felt she does have quality that will never go away and deserving of the res C. C. 3rd Frickers Ch Kerman Field of Dreams Another quality lady that I have long admired for her total balance, most pleasing head and expression. Super front bone and feet, strong muscled rear. Moves very true front and rear but now seems to have got into a habit of thinking she’s on a motor bike leaning over as she goes around the ring.

S.B.B 1 1st Fields Cruglwyd Cristyne


G.C.B 1 1st Roberts A Ray of Sunshine at Kogarahs (Imp Itl).

Peter Clifton. (Judge)