My Best of Breed


Boston Ch Show July 2024.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke Report..


In 1951 my very dog show was Boston, and on that day I handled my very first show dog a Pembroke Corgi. Little did I imagine that 73 years later I would be judging my corgi breeds at Boston, with both breeds having obtained C.Cs for the very first time. Over the years I have seen both breeds make advancements and in some cases a step backwards. I really do feel that the Pembroke have changed far more than the Cardigan, and I do wonder if it really was intentional that some changes came to be when the standard states otherwise. In Pembroke one finds better Cardigan feet and ears than in Cardigans. Some Pembroke coats would in Cardigans be classed as fluffs. Pembrokes seem to be getting longer in loin than ever and its becoming noticeable that this is now creeping into Cardigans. Exhibitors can only show what they have, breed education for breeder and judge, (specialist and all rounder) must be advanced enough to tackle undesirable traits becoming the norm. To all that supported this lovely show at Rutland water I thank each and every one of you for giving me such a wonderful entry in both breeds, I hope my critique explains to why I did what.

M.P.D 2. 1st Roberts A Ray of Sunshine at Kogarahs (Imp Itl) 7mth with nice overall balance. Pleasing head expression topline and tail set. Nice body shape, tight elbows tight elbows and good bone . Still needs to strengthen in rear movement. 2nd Evans Hortonpoint Blue Lagoon. 8 mths and at this stage just lacked the overall balance of winner and a tad bum heigh. Good body shape. Covers the ground with ease but rear movement close.


P. D 2. 1st Wyers Brynlea Creslow Paint It Black at Cottivy (Imp Usa)

Very exciting smart puppy with I feel excellent potential. All male but pretty head piece with true breed expression, neck fitting correctly into withers. Excellent body shape, correct loin, tailset and hindquarters. Excellent forequarters, bone, feet and tight elbows. Moves true front, rear and side. Presented in excellent condition While understandingly lacking the maturity of the latter class winners I felt this youngster well worthy of the res C.C. 2nd Franchi Saniaquinto Black Diamond. Just preferred the head and balance of winner. This young lads got excellent bone, tight feet and covers the ground with reach and drive.


J.D. 3. Wyers 1stCottivy Coronation Prince 15 mth presented in excellent body condition. Head of correct dimension but would like a larger eye. Ample well fitted neck, nice firm level topline and muscled quarters. Move true and covers ground at correct speed. 2nd Hulses Twinan Raise The Bar for Fablecroft I felt he had the better eye but at this time lacked the balance and feet of winner. Nice firm topline, rear quarters and movement. 3rd. Thomass Crack of Light at Hillfosse. Nice overall balance but lacked today ring manners and needs to settle in movement.


Y.D 2. 1st Ellwoods Ellhar Chief Scout 20 mth smart youngster with nice lines. Pleasing head and expression, excels in neck topline and tailset. Pleasing body shape and overall balance. Nice shoulders tight elbows, excellent bone, tight feet and covered the ground true and with ease. 2nd. Cutts & Wragg Haresfoot Fates Align (nbt) pleasing head and expression with nice overall balance. On the day I felt winner had the edge in movement and feet.

L.D 6. Jeffersons Ellhar Star Rose at Salvenik. Eye catching profile and balance. Correct all male head, nice eye ear shape and expression. Strong muscled hindquarters, tight elbows good bone, feet. Moves true front and rear. In the challenge he seemed to loose that drive and ambition. 2nd. Hulses Babaneira Kensington at Fablecroft Head of correct proportions nice eye ear and expression. Ample neck sloping nicely into withers, level topline. Strong rear nice bone and feet. Should I felt move better in front. 3rd Coes Elessar Phantom Design.


O.D. 7. (4) 1st Ch Unita Mentale Ernesto (nbt) (Imp Ukr) JW (Mrs W Mccoll) Pleasing in all departments. Excellent head of correct proportions with good under jaw, nice eye and ear all giving very true breed expression. Excellent fitted neck, level topline correct in loin, tailset and body shape from above. Very strong muscled angulated hindquarters. Super front construction and bone, tight elbows and tight feet. Moves with purpose. Not in the very best of coat but his overall breed type could not be overlooked today C.C. 2nd Irvings Ch Twinan Sign Your Name.. Nice head proportions, eyes, ears and expression. Neck fitting nicely into withers, firm topline, excellent depth of body, nice tail set and correct hindquarters. Correct shoulders tight elbows, good bone. Preferred the feet and shorter length of body of my final winners. 3rd. Wyers Ch Cottivy Cappuccino. Another lovely champion of excellent balance. Would like a slightly larger eye.


V.D. 3 1st Haslams Ch Meitza Dark N’debonair best Veteran and most worthy champion. Presented in excellent coat and body condition and what a show boy who gives his all. Excellent mover. Nice male head with correct expression. Tidy front well boned, strong rear. In the dog challenge I preferred the shoulder layback of my final winners. 2nd Maddox & Hedgepath Ch/int Ch/am Gch/am Ch Trifecta Eagle Scout to Salvenik (Imp Jap) seven year world renown champion and rightly so. Pleasing head, eye and expression, Does have ample neck for overall size. Like winner tidy in front excellent bone, strong rear. Another that does tend to stand giving the appearance of lacking shoulder layback. I felt today the winner had the edge in coat condition. 3rd. Barlows Ch Woodhenge Star Agent for Pendrell (nbt)


S.B.D. 3 1st Barlows Ch Woodhenge Star Agent for Pendrell (nbt) (Mr A A & Mrs E T M Barlow seven year old who looks every bit a champion. In the veteran class just lost out on rear movement. 2nd Ropers Cardigan Bay unfortunate to meet such a strong winner. Head foxy in appearance nice eyes ample neck, nice depth of body, well off for bone and tidy feet.

3rd Hulses Babaneira Kensington at Fablecroft


G.C. 1 Hulses Babaneira Kensington at Fablecroft nice head proportions, correct neck for overall balance, firm topline. Nice rear movement but lost out in earlier class on front.


M.P.B 1 (1) 1st Allens Craigycor A Sweet Treat for Headholme shade light in build. Nice eyes, ears ample neck good topline and tail set. Needs to settle on the move.


P.B. 4 (1) 1st Franchi Saniaquinto That’s Amore Good overall balance, pleasing shoulders with tight elbows and front. Nice body shape and loin. Well angulated hindquarters with nice muscle, moved well front, rear and side. Pretty feminine head of correct proportions but would like a larger eye. 2nd SmithsRosebud in Bloom Not quite so mature as winner. Nice overall for balance and movement. 3rd Halls Twinan Raise A Glass for Handialla


J.B. 2. 1st, Rees Stadwen Gossamer Beynon (ai) 13 mth promising feminine youngster. Pretty head excellent expression helped by nice eyes and ear shape and set. Liked her overall balance and outline side and front. Covered the ground with workmanlike ease and freedom. 2nd. Browns Calwinii's Cherry Blossom pleasing head and expression, ample neck fitting into withers firm level topline, correct rear angulation. Preferred winners shoulders and movement.

Y.B 5. (1) Legertons Anwyl Leave with A Kiss for Solaw (Imp Aus) Correct feminine head and expression. Neck slopes fitting nicely into withers, nice body shape firm level topline, tail correctly set. Strong hindquarters, good shoulder placement pleasing front, moves with freedom. 2. .Downs Elessar Royal Design Pretty head piece of correct proportions giving a true breed expression. Holds topline standing and on the move, strong rear. Felt winner scored better in front and front movement today. 3rd. Pikes Mentale Genrietta at Eivisah (Imp Ukr) Nbt


P.G.B 3. (2) 1st Rees en Cinderella Lovely deep red, presented in firm condition, Most pleasing front and forechest, good shoulder layback tight elbows. Feminine in head nice eye true expression, and overall balance. Covers the ground with little effort.


L.B. 10 (4) 1st Hoggarths Whitebarn Maid by Moonlight. Delightful all quality feminine lady. Correct head proportions correct rise of stop excellent eye, ears giving a very true breed expression. Neck fitting nicely into withers, excellent topline tail set. Correct body shape from all angles, scores heavy in front construction with everything fitting correctly and dare I say it Pembroke tight feet. She moves with reach and drive covering the ground with a natural freedom and at a correct speed. She was presented in excellent coat and condition plus handled to perfection showing her wonderful overall balance and beautiful lines and today I felt privileged to award her her first C.C and best of B.O.B. 2nd Rees Stadwen Grace Darling Excellent breed type but I feel still needs a little more time. Most pleasing head proportion and expression. Good body shape topline and muscled rear quarters. Nice shoulder placement with elbows tight and depth of body making all fit nicely. Today I felt she just lost out on rear movement and could have shown her nice lines to better advantage. 3rd. Browns Calwinii's Valentina Rose JW


O.B 6 (2) Lovely quality class 1st Coulsons Ch Woodhenge Star Enchantress Certainly star quality written all over her. Feminine head, correct eyes and ear set. Super overall balance with correct body lines and shape. Correctly fitted neck onto body super topline at all times, strong well muscled and angulated hind quarters. Lovely forequarters tight elbows. Presented in excellent coat and body condition and moved with reach drive and freedom. In the C.C challenge I felt she just lost out a tad on lighter build.

2nd Wyers Cottivy Strawberry Moon so much to like about this girl, from total balance beautiful lines and her most feminine head. Excellent front and hindquarters with good muscle tone. Excellent bone and feet. Like winner moved with reach and drive. I felt the winner had the advantage in eyes. 3ed Ch Salvenik Scarlet Rose (Miss T A Maddox another lovely feminine Pembroke who pulled out all the stops. Feminine head and expression, super balanced body excellent front and rear quarters. Presented in excellent coat and condition. Today I felt she just lost out on rear movement.

S.B.B 2 1st Hollingworths Ryslip Dolly Daydream at Highashes pleasing head eye and expression, moved true front and rear but tends to look a tad bum high on the move. 2nd Thomas Hillfosse Queen of Hearts nice balance, front and feet, feminine in head and expression. Today I preferred the movement of winner.

G.C. B 2 1st Anwyl in The Limelight at Solaw (Imp Aus) Miss G D Legerton Liked her head, eye, ear set all giving a nice expression. Ample neck for overall balance, good topline moved nicely fron rear and side. 2nd Broens Calwinii's Cherry Blossom


Peter Clifton (Judge)